New Moon June 14, 2007

New Moon June 14, 2007

11:13 PM EDT

8:13 pm PDT

23:40 GEMINI

The new moon cast for June 14, 2007 forms a wide, loosey goosey, mutable t-square with Uranus in Pisces, Sun and Moon in Gemini and Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius. Loosey goosey t-squares hold volumes of possibilities as they direct our attention toward a particular part of the zodiac. It is also a MUTABLE t-square meaning there are numerous ways it can show up. We are moving out of fixed, fixed, fixed energy into the flexibility of the seasons change ~ spring into summer, summer into fall, fall into winter, winter into spring ~ that part. The kind of not knowing what to wear during any day at it will have myriad temperatures, events and possibilities. Mutable energy is changeable energy ~ more about the change than the status quo. The outlet for all the energy of the t-square is the empty Virgo leg ~ where Saturn soon will take up residence. Virgo ~ whose ruler Mercury in Cancer is the co-ruler that Moon/ Sun union in Gemini.

In the myths, there always is an initial event, often an event which the community witnesses. We witness it but do not always know it is the beginning of the new journey or the next phase of the journey. The witnessed event marks the next phase of the journey of the soul. We may not know it as such. In hindsight, we go back and say “hmmm, remember when that happened?” Start the new journey does this week, under this new moon! It starts, often literally moments before or as the old story ends. There is a cosmic jumping off point. Mercury steals Apollo’s cows. Pluto abducts Persephone. Phrixus escapes on the Golden Ram. Eris throws an apple amidst a party saying it is for the most beautiful goddess of all. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single, seemingly innocent (or perhaps not so innocent) act, step or moment. We have such a moment this week, under this new moon.

Mercury in Cancer in aspect to the North and South Node suggest the event, especially if unspoken or emotional, is the marker or signal for the next phase of your cosmic and earthly journey. Look to things at 11 Cancer or 11 degrees in your chart to see what planets or folks will be involved. And, of course, look at your Virgo ruled house as that is where the action will be taking place. The south node rolling through the last degrees of Virgo will clear out your older habits, rituals, routines and responsibilities. Virgo will dispense with or re-organize many of your older or decayed habits, rituals, routines and responsibilities ~ so brand, shiny, new ones ~ yep, new habits, rituals, routines and responsibilities, can develop. Remember Saturn starts to go through Virgo in the fall. When that happens, we are going to be in apprenticeship to our Saturn, working with him, being trained to understand how he wants us work with our Saturn energy. Saturn’s goal while in Virgo is to teach us how to master our skills, to improve, to discern and support us as we approach independence and becoming a master and equal with our Saturn so we can work in a true partnership with him when he moves into Libra in a few years.

We are comfortable with the initial events when they involves happy things ~ getting married means we will live happily ever after. Our new law degree means we will have a fabulous career as a brilliant attorney. Buying the house of our dreams and signing the mortgage means we’ve arrived at a cherished goal. We find out we are pregnant when the second stripe appears. Our partner’s terrific new job will mean we can afford to start a family.

Well, not so fast. Once we GET what we say we want, we then have to learn to work with it. It is a funny thing about humans. We get something and are thankful for it. Shortly thereafter, we take it for granted and look for the next bauble or dream or goal to come to us. Whatever “it” was becomes our new assumption of a minimal base ~ we never think it will go away or be less. Yet, at the same time, it IS yesterday’s news. In the case of food or a paycheck for work performed, this makes perfect sense to us. In the sense of achieving a cherished goal and then saying “NOW what?” we can get a bit resentful, maybe even angry. We expect that sublime state of achievement to last forever. Nope. That is not how it works here in Saturn‘s world. The universe is right there behind Saturn saying, “Ok, now that you’ve finished with this what is next?” And, slowly, stealthy, on silent cat’s paws, that sublime state of achievement fades, slips and moves away. And we find ourselves putting the stain remover on our graduation outfit as we wash our face before going to bed. We‘ll clean up the graduation party mess tomorrow.

So watch for the next phase of the journey to begin under this new moon. The old structures are going to retire and the new forms or structures will be introduced. The baby arrives and they plunk it in your arms ~ you look at it as it starts to cry. Our partner is gone all the time working crazy hours to prove themselves at their new fabulous job (which appears to have the same kind of politics that made them leave the last job). The wedding memories are long gone but you still write that monthly check to your credit card holder paying it off. You don‘t much like practicing law ~ it isn’t the higher minded thing you thought it was going to be ~ it is arguments between people not getting what they think they are due and figuring how to prove it for them. The house of your dreams needs a new roof since the old tree in the front yard blew over so you feel very house poor. You get the idea.

So back to your life this week. Look forward to find out what Saturn in Virgo is going to mean for you. Life is about putting stain remover on the spots and doing the dishes! And cleaning up after the party. Saturn in Virgo is coming in!


Commentary: ‘Carefree Children Skating on Ice’ symbolizes the freedom and pleasure of ‘Children’ enjoying themselves outdoors, even though it’s winter and cold outside. It also reflects the general lack of concern that they have for issues of personal danger. ‘Children’ learn at an early age to ‘Skate’ over difficulties. They are often ‘Carefree’ and unconcerned. They will often take risks when they play, unaware of the true realities and possible dangers in life. They keep ‘Skating’ and playing, but need to be carefully aware of what’s going on around them; otherwise the game could fall apart. There is the possibility of losing the pleasure they are experiencing as cracks form in the ‘Ice’ – their joy and pleasure becomes more risky.

Oracle: If your situation is “on thin ice” it may be challenging, but it may be that most of the challenge comes from the fears and concerns that adulthood brings. Sharpen up your senses and your reflexes so that you can cope with any sudden surprises. Even if you have a positive attitude you may sense that everything could collapse at any moment. Listen for subtle changes in the environment that tell you whether you are still “safe” in your surroundings. If you don’t acknowledge these fears and adjust yourself accordingly, then you may be put at a disadvantage. Perhaps an avenue of escape should be set up in case cracks in the ‘Ice’ do start to appear. Dangerous situations can lead to a heightened sense of awareness and fun, but how long can one feel safe taking such risks? Sooner or later the cracks will start to appear. What will happen then? Similar to the ‘Children’, you may not even be aware of the risk in your situation. Be wary not to blindly rush into anything, as you may get to the point where you can’t safely return to where you began. Watch out for the cracks! Listen carefully for clues to how to maneuver through


Keywords: Getting aroun
d difficult situations by ma
king the most of them (or evading them). Skating over problems. Finding creative and childlike solutions. Testing the boundaries. Considering consequences. Tiptoeing around problems with family. Knowing how to respond quickly to every type of situation. Knowing how to maneuver tight situations. Observing one’s center of gravity. Being keenly aware. Testing the waters.

The Caution: Rushing out to enjoy pleasures before checking that it is safe to do so. Living only for momentary pleasures, without thought of any ramifications. Getting away with things through acting naively and childishly. Taking risks that put others lives on the line. Going too far too fast.

The thinner the ice, the more anxious is everyone to see whether it will bear. Josh Billings

Children are curious and are risk takers. They have lots of courage. They venture out into a world that is immense and dangerous. A child initially trusts life and the processes of life. John Bradshaw

A man learns to skate by staggering about making a fool of himself; indeed, he progresses in all things by making a fool of himself. George Bernard Shaw

In skating over thin ice, our safety is in our speed. Ralph Waldo Emerson

I don’t remember the first time I skated on ice, I was too young. I do remember falling in love with that wind-in-my-face feeling while speed skating. Bonnie Blair

Copyright ©2007 Anne C. Ortelee